COVID Rules for spectators

“WHEN IN DOUBT, SPREAD OUT” Keep your distance, wear your mask, don’t share food or drinks outside your family group, wash your hands (again!). Don’t come to a game if you are sick or were recently exposed to someone with COVID.

“DON’T SPREAD GERMS BETWEEN TEAMS” THE HOME TEAM and ITS FANS will be on one sideline of the field (except Dribblers and Trappers). The AWAY TEAM and ITS FANS will be on the opposite side of the field. Fans should sit at least 10′ from the sideline to give room for the players. Players can sit in front of their families, but should be generally sit nearest the field so that the coach can keep track of who needs to come into the game.

For Dribblers and Trappers, who play two simultaneous games, here is how it will work: players will be spread out along the sideline between the two fields. The HOME TEAM FANS will sit at least 10′ back from one end line (the end nearest the home team “bench”). The AWAY TEAM fans will sit 10′ back from the opposite end line.

Pictures are worth 1000 words: